Rating of 1
This is as bad as it gets. Lucky enough these girls hardly ever go out in public or wouldn’t dare come to a state school like Indiana. They usually have two to three horrible features. This could be extreme obesity, a face that looks like it was hit with a frying pan, or covered in boils. They will likely remain widows or work in jobs where they can be hidden in the back.
Rating of 2
A two is not much better than a one. She is god awful ugly as well. No matter how many drinks you have, she wont look hotter or thinner. All of her friends are busted as well. Thankfully a two does not have any confidence either so spotting them out is rare.
Rating of 3
A three is the first girl that might get a little action from time to time. Granted the guy who falls for her will be wasted beyond belief. There is a chance she might have a good sense of humor but that will be as good as it gets. She is a prime candidate for extreme plastic surgery. Usually a three has just one feature (giant nose, freakishly tall, big belly, or no butt) that turn off even the drunkest of males. Who am I kidding? They are ugly as hell.
Rating of 4
Here is where it gets interesting. Even the coolest Bros from time to time will slip up with a four. A four is always fat, there is no getting around that. If you happen to fall victim to a four, I feel you. This is the kind of girl that must be kicked out of your place at 5:00 am. If you happen to crash at her place, you get out of there no later than 4:00 am. A boiling hot shower is needed immediately after. One characteristic about a four is she is very aggressive. She will chase guys so far out of her league its not even funny. And the sad part is, from time to time the four will be successful with her chase.
(more after the jump)