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Monday, August 30, 2010

JoBros Blows

Of course this shit stabber didn't enjoy his wife's bearded axe wound. While he's running around playing shitty-ass music and wearing his purity ring, she's probably out getting deeped dicked by real men. How can a man describe losing his virginity as he was quoted above? After I shot my first vagina-induced load, it was the most amazing thing that I had ever experienced and have experienced up until this point in my life. I fell in love with meat pockets instantly. It was like when the Wizard of Oz went from black and white to color. Kevin Jonas made it seem like someone made him try Thai food. I think the problem here was that his wife didn't have male genitalia and the hole he was sticking his wiener into didn't smell like old Italian subs and doo-doo butter.

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